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River Mole at Horley

This station has 1 live FloodNav
Is the River Mole level at the Horley station in Horley, as of our last update, at 18:45 Feb 15.
The River Mole has been STEADY over the last 3 hour period.
We have 103 historical flood event records available for this station.
These date back to 01:45 Dec 25 1999.
Recent Trends

Horley - Information Summary

What is the highest level of flooding in Horley at the Horley station?
The maximum on record for the Horley station in Horley on the River Mole is 3.444m, which was at 11:45 Dec 24 2013.
Local FloodNavs
This measuring station is used by 1 live FloodNav
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In Horley, our coverage includes key roads in and out of the town as well as some of the riverside paths.


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In Horley, our coverage includes key roads in and out of the town as well as some of the riverside paths.

Local Information
Station Data Information
Station overseen (meaning either provided, or regulated) by: The Environment Agency
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